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As you enter through an avenue of trees, the sounds of birds will be replaced by the laughter of children. Surrounded by sugar cane fields, in a unique country setting, Musikili Primary School is an ideal environment to grow ‘free range’ children. We are a family school and our small community allows for a nurturing and stimulating learning environment.


Values are an integral part of our teaching, as it is important that our children use their skills and talents to uplift others. These ‘soft skills’ form the foundation of our teaching and will inspire our children to contribute meaningfully to society. 


Our well-trained staff, through a broad and innovative curriculum, strive for each child to reach their potential. Musikili’s small classes allow for individual attention and close connections with students. We aim to instill 21st century skills of collaboration, creativity and curiosity in our children in order to prepare them for an ever-changing world.  


You will often see our Pre Prep learners riding their bicycles or building sand castles. Our safe and free-to-move campus is ideal for play and experiential learning. 


Creating a love for learning is the core focus of our teaching in The Foundation Phase. The basic skills of numeracy and literacy form part of the children’s daily routine to ensure they make meaningful connections with the world around them. We encourage independent thinking and strive to harness their imagination and creativity into skills to ready them for the Intermediate Phase.


In the Intermediate Phase, the children are facilitated into becoming independent workers who can collaborate and learn from one another. Here they are challenged to be creative and think critically. 


We offer specialist subject teaching in Grades 6 & 7. Our Grade 6 & 7s also write Formal Assessments in terms 2 and 3, which prepares them for the challenges of high school.


Our Mathematics programme is based on Number Sense, which allows pupils to experience mathematics as a living subject. As children progress through the system they are facilitated by teachers to develop strategies and a deeper flexibility with number. Problem solving forms an integral part in this programme, allowing children to see Mathematics as a sense making activity.


The Learner Support Centre allows for pupils to be supported and extended in a differentiated environment. Individual support programmes are developed depending on the needs of each learner.


Projects Weeks are a highlight at Musikili Primary School. Every grade chooses a topic and the various specialist teachers work together to create a stimulating group project. Important 21st century skills such as collaboration, creativity and communication are encouraged during these projects. 


Our newly refurbished ICT Lab is always a hive of activity. In the Foundation Phase, children are taught the basics of computer literacy. In the higher grades, learners use various computer programmes to enrich their assignments. Technology allows access to current information and knowledge and can be extremely powerful to enhance learning. We have also introduced new devices into the classroom, and educating our children on cyber safety.

Subjects offered at Musikili Primary:


English, French, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Studies, Life Skills, Art, Zambian Studies, Design and Technology, ICT and Religious Studies. 

Instruction is also given in Class Music and Physical Education is part of the weekly timetable. Learners may also opt for private music lessons with a specialist teacher.

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View or Download The Musikili Tree Creative Writing Book 2020 -

a collaborate effort from Gr R - 7...

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Musikili Primary School
P O Box 670370

Musikili Primary School © 2019

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